How To Make Friends When In College


You have started your college career and you are feeling excited, eager, and ready for the next steps. You have looked at where to live near USC, have signed up for all your classes, and gotten a good tour of the school too. All that’s left is to start learning and starting getting good grades.


Of course, you always want to make friends during your years at USC. Although going to college is all about being educated and laying the groundwork for your future, it’s also about creating connections that can last a lifetime. Therefore, you may need a few pointers about how to make friends at this pivotal point in your life. It isn’t always as easy as you might think.


Be Open: At all times, you need to have an approachable and open mindset if you want to make connections with people and spark new friendships.


When you are interacting with roommates, classmates, or other people you meet at the cafeteria, library, or at various activities, always remember to smile, hold eye contact, and start conversations.


Above everything else, attempt to be positive because positivity will help you come across as more personable and welcoming to others.


Attend Social Events: If you want to meet people, you need to go to the events where people are! Therefore, you should always watch out for parties and social gatherings that take place in your residence hall or elsewhere on campus.


Attend events like movie screenings, game nights, themed parties, and mixers in order to network and interact in a comfortable, social, low-stress environment. Talk to other people and make sure you have their contact information so you can stay in touch.


Believe In Yourself: You have something to offer and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. It might seem silly to have to remind yourself of this, but it’s a smart tactic that will inspire you and remind you of the sort of great friend that you can be.


If you have belief in yourself, you will be more willing to reach out to others, make connections, and become a consistent friend. You should always believe in yourself.


Stay Connected: You need to always try to maintain and grow your friendships after meeting new people.


You can always put events together to further your friendship and keep it strong. In order to arrange future hang-out sessions or other activities, hold onto peoples’ contact details, create a social media connection, and stay in touch with your new acquaintances.


And always be truly interested in their lives, their interests, and their goals. Reach out, keep the connection alive, ask questions, and make sure these new friends know that you are thinking of them and value them in your life. This is a huge step to making sure that these friendships become life-long connections.

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