Why Do Air Ducts Get Dirty?


Household chores never seem to go away! We may balk at the sheer number of dishes we have to do week after week or the number of laundry loads that pass through the dryer, but there’s more to keeping a house clean than just these things. Other areas have to be cleaned, too; they just have a less regular routine about them. For example, your air ducts. Chances are you weren’t thinking about an air duct system when household chores are brought up, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an important task that needs to get done. Let’s take a look at air duct cleaning and some important facts to know.


The Purpose Of Air Ducts


Duct cleaning has many advantages for homeowners. The first is to give your home a fresher smell. Bacteria and other contaminants often come with unwanted odors. Does your home have a stale smell you can’t seem to get rid of? Are you constantly masking it with air freshener products? These air freshers may cost a couple of dollars, but they can start to add up after a while. Air duct cleaning removes bacteria, pollen, mold, mildew, smoke smells, and more. 


Another key reason to choose air duct services is to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. If your vents are clogged with debris, it’s going to be difficult for your heating and cooling to pass through. If vents are clogged with lint and dirt, air can’t pass there either. Professional services remove all traces of dirt and lint, making it easier for your HVAC to function.


What Could Be Inside Of Them


Air ducts can get really dirty. That dirt is an accumulation of bacteria, viruses, pollen, pet dander, and whatever else finds its way into the vent system. The problem with this is that the longer dirt is allowed to linger, the more that will build up. Once there is enough of a buildup, it will start to restrict air flow, specifically at the vents throughout your home.


How Did They Get Dirty?


Many factors contribute to air ducts getting dirty. A logical reason they do is that there is dirt in your home. As air is pulled through the heating and cooling, it is released inside the vent. It is the job of the air filter to remove these contaminants. If the air filter is clogged and dirty, this air will just be blown right back into your home. The result is poor indoor air quality. Another reason ductwork gets dirty is having gaps, cracks, or a broken duct allowing outside air to enter.


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