When To Call For Asbestos Abatement?


Building materials come in a variety of options. Over the years, manufacturers have changed their products to adapt to new inventions in the industry or to adhere to safety concerns. One of the most prevalent materials used back before 1980 was asbestos fibers. This was put in many types of home materials ranging from roofing to vinyl flooring. The thought was that asbestos strengthened materials and made items fire-resistant. 


However, it wasn’t long after, well, several decades, actually, that we found that asbestos was actually a silent killer. Asbestos fibers that are disturbed are distributed throughout the air. This creates a huge health concern as asbestos can lead to lung cancer called mesothelioma or Asbestosis. Though there can be other concerns with health hazards in your home, such as mold or radon, asbestos is often difficult to deal with. Professional asbestos abatement in Denver is almost always recommended over any DIY.


Where is Asbestos Found?


Where should you start to look for asbestos materials in your home? It's a good idea to look at common areas like the roof, siding, and insulation. Luckily, most of these materials have likely already been replaced since they were first added to your home. For instance, roofing will last 50 years in most cases. Given that asbestos in cement shingles was added to most homes before 1980, it is likely that they have already been replaced. However, if you have a roof from the early 80s that hasn't been replaced yet, it may carry the potential for asbestos. This is especially true if you don't know what your roof is made out of.


Why You Should Choose Professional Abatement


You may be thinking if asbestos is found, you should immediately get rid of the items yourself. But, we caution against this. Handling asbestos can cause the fibers to enter the air. This is the primary concern regarding asbestos in general. Undisturbed, asbestos poses no health risk. But if the material is damaged, such as torn, vibrated, or shifted, it may release these fibers into the air. Instead, we recommend a professional for abatement solutions. They will seal off the contaminated area and dispose of the materials properly. This will also help you to avoid cross-contamination throughout your entire home. The whole idea is to provide homeowners with a safe home and a safer way to eliminate contaminants.


Final Thoughts


Though asbestos has been illegal since the 1980s to add to building materials, it still can pop up in random places, especially older buildings. Should you discover or think you have a problem with this building material, get professional removal assistance.

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