The Different Best Types Of SEO


There was a point in time where the biggest priority of search engine optimization didn’t revolve around producing the best quality content. Back then, designers were way more concerned with stuffing the websites that were created with keywords and all kinds of different tricks to make them be noticed by search engines. There are some great San Antonio SEO practices you can learn from.


The sole purpose of creating a website that can be seen by the top search engines is to simply ensure that your website is among the other top-ranking websites within the search engine results pages (SERPs).


As far as they were concerned, the overall content on the website didn’t really matter that much. And that’s mainly due to the fact that numerous websites back then that had blatantly useless content within them were able to top SERPs.


However, ever since back in 2011, Google put a halt to the ranking of websites that should've never been amongst those lists in the first place by introducing a game-changing algorithm. All of the previously forgotten or neglected quality content filled websites quickly regained their place at the king's table.


And nowadays, SEOs have to ensure that the websites they rank at the top have been created consisting of nothing but the utmost high-quality content, and content that is absolutely relevant and is perfectly useful to many search engine users.


However, you actually can technically publish whatever kind of content you want to on your own website. Although, it’s a well-known fact that certain types of content have a higher chance of gaining the attention of visitors and are typically ranked by Google.


If you are unsure what specific types of content work best when it comes to SEO, then keep reading below to learn more.



Authoritative Blog Posts


Since content is essentially a major and top factor these days, however, it is quite common for a website to have its very own blog. Generally, you can utilize a blog you create to write authoritative posts, this alone can help you to be able to build up your reputation as an industry leader in the field.


Not only can you implement your personal take on news in your specific industry, but you can also write about the different new developments within it as well. And it’s also important to write about other certain topics that may or may not exactly relate to your industry to help keep your readers engaged.





It’s true that a lot of people all over the world love the aspect of the written word, however, a decent majority of people really do prefer to be able to read the information that is easily processed. And you can essentially provide them with this by using infographics.


Infographics are pretty much graphic snapshots of different information that could have taken at least over a few thousand words to thoroughly express within an article format. Not only that but readers are known to likely share infographics.


When someone shares an infographic that was on your website, it gives it the chance to be passed around online, causing it to go viral and it will become a veritable source of backlinks.





Did you know that videos alone actually make up a significant amount of media consumption and bring in large amounts of web traffic every day. And this is good, because they are so much more engaging rather than a simple article or even an infographic.


According to the prediction of the experts, overall video content will begin to dominate in the future. And it will account for over 80% of all of the web traffic 2023.



Trending Content


Of course, trending topics never truly last very long, however, their overall popularity is definitely enough to gain traffic to your website in a short period of time. You can even utilize certain trending content to essentially be able to promote or launch new products you may have or be able to promote your existing ones as well.


If you are able to strategically plan to post content the right way, you can ultimately use any kind of breaking news or other types of hot topics that will end up attracting more visitors to your website as well as high-quality links.


This specific process is referred to as “newsjacking.”  Newsjacking is pretty much a specific tactic of you throwing yourself into obtaining these big stories that everyone who’s anyone is talking about and essentially being able to provide an overall analysis or even an angle that’s absolutely relevant to your brand specifically.


If you’re not familiar with newsjacking, you should know that there are quite a few benefits to creating newjacking content, which include the following:


# You are able to get your brand's name and the content you have to offer out to the larger public audience, more so than you might think.


# You are able to show forth some of your expertise as well as your thought leadership that you specialize in.


# You will end up being able to showcase your website as well as your company’s brand as the one that goes to a place that is able to produce newsworthy industry updates on a regular basis.


When it comes to the link building toolbox that is SEO, newsjacking can be an extremely helpful and rather useful tool to use.





In today’s day and age, more and more people are counting on their ability to research any kind of topic or tasks that they need to learn about, and this is exactly why how-to-content will never cease to exist.


There are several different ways to help your website visitors find what they are searching for online, by implementing different forms of articles, infographic, and even informational videos. If you’re unsure where to find some how-to-ideas, then look no further than your support and sales teams.


You need to always remember to check your center tickets, all of your inbound emails, and every customer’s call to really zone in on what are the most commonly asked questions for finding content ideas. If you have people who take the time to come to your website and contact you via email or phone with a specific question.


Then it’s really like they’ve already been up to their knees in Google searches. And possibly even straying from the most popular search engines and searching for their answers wherever they can. If that is the case, then this alone can add a magnitude of value to your website’s overall SEO implementation..





It’s true that most individuals from all walks of life enjoy the simplicity of a list. No matter what form they may be representing such as articles or even blog posts. For some specific reason, lists have gained so much popularity, especially when the title of the blog or article in question begins with a number first.


If you want to create a list that your readers can find themselves completely engaged with the content, then you have to make sure you do very accurate research and fact check all of the information you compile for your list.


And it doesn’t hurt to be a little clever in how you present it, that’s usually what brings a nice touch to the entire piece of work. You’ll want to make your lists as detailed as you possibly can, and if it’s possible, make them longer rather than shorter.

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