Tips for Lowering Your Rent


Have you ever wondered if rent is negotiable? Can you argue your way to paying less each month? Most renters would love to know that information. The great thing about renting is that you do often have wiggle room, especially if you are in the best position to negotiate. This article focuses on a few tips you can try to lower your rent or get the best deal on your new apartment.


Are You An Outstanding Tenant


If you have been an outstanding tenant for other property managers or landlords, you are in a position to negotiate. All property managers and landlords, and we mean all of them, are looking for quality tenants. The last thing a property manager wants to deal with is a tenant that destroys property and doesn't pay rent on time. If you are the complete opposite of this person, you stand a much better chance of negotiating your way to lower rent payments.


Plead Your Case


You can often plead your case with a property manager as to why you deserve to pay less rent than what others are paying. This goes back to if you're a quality tenant or not. If it is the end of summer, you stand a better chance of getting lower rent as well. Make sure you position your lease at that time. You might be surprised just how much leverage you have when choosing to move out in the summer. The peak of the moving season ends in August. Those that start thinking about moving in the colder months typically take longer to move.


Put Together An Amazing Application


Don't be quick with your application. Make sure to include references, especially from other apartments with which you have a great relationship.


When Should You Negotiate?


Apartments near Apple might be more difficult to negotiate as they have a prime location feature. That doesn't mean you can't try! There is no harm in asking. What is the worst that could happen? They might say no, or they could say yes. Either way, you'll have a definite answer as to whether or not you can save a few bucks on rent.

Is there a better time to negotiate? When should you start the process if you already live in an apartment and hope to avoid rent increases? We recommend coming to your property manager a month or two from the end of your lease. Simply ask if there is a way to lower your rent and casually mention that your lease will be up soon and that you've been an amazing tenant.


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