Don’t Make These Mistakes When Choose Artificial Grass


Are you having artificial turf installed? Are you trying to do it yourself? There are many wonderful things to love about artificial turf. It looks great year-round, requires minimal maintenance, and lasts quite a long time. However, there are some pitfalls that can happen when choosing and installing this product. Let's take a look.


Buying a Bit At A Time

Artificial Grass Liquidators mentions, “A common mistake that householders make is to buy their artificial grass a little bit at a time rather than all at once. This might seem like a sensible approach, but there are some possible problems with it that you might not be aware of. For example, what if you go back to buy more and discover that there is none left of the type of grass that you need? Even if you can find the same grass, what if it is from a different batch and, therefore, doesn’t look exactly the same as the turf that you already have at home?” about buying a little bit here and there. This goes along with properly sizing your yard and order as such.


Drainage Is Critical

We cannot stress the importance enough of planning for drainage. Artificial turf has drainage holes pre-installed. You'll need to create a slight slope for water to drain, so it doesn't pool. Failure to consider proper drainage can also lead to a mold or mildew problem. This will also lead to unwanted odors within your yard. Consider how you will be draining water from the artificial turf when cleaning or when it rains.


Not Getting Enough Turf

The number one most common problem for individuals when purchasing artificial turf is not getting enough. Have you sized your yard properly? First, you need to determine what shape your yard is. This will help you select enough turf for the area. You won't measure a square or rectangle the same as you would a triangle or a round area. Measure and double-measure to ensure precise numbers.


Not Prepping The Surface

Many things can go wrong when selecting and installing artificial grass. However, you can easily improve what the results will be with proper prepping. This means cleaning the area of any big objects like rocks and smoothing out any bumps. Take your time, and don’t rush the process. It will be well worth the effort. More often than not, bad results come from a lack of preparation for the surface. 

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